Thursday, February 13, 2014

Horror in terms of "Weird"

I've heard this word stated by many people for many different subjects and it can either have a negative connotation to it or a positive one. Some people that find things weird and abnormal so they try to avoid those types of things because it's things that they aren't accustom to with their everyday life. It's sometimes rare that people try different things or experience different actions that they normally would and just want things to usually be the same. I'm no exception to this but my taste tends to be different than others in other subjects. People description of "weird" is completely opinionated. It's to what is different and out of the norm to them. Several movies and books use "weird" to strength their plot and setting.

Brazil is a movie that most would classify as weirdness to it's max. The setting is in the future where appliances are auto operated, food looks different than what one would expect, and torture is applied with people in lab coats and wearing mask. The most notable part of the film itself is it's main character's plot sometimes has the audience going through his mind and how he views things compared to how they really are. Kind of like escaping reality for your own pre imaged dreams. To others this is wacky and confusing but a rare few would find this natural as many people find reality difficult and wish to escape their hardships.

To bring the topic in focus with horror, I've read a online novel called "Monster Island". It describes a former U.N employee trying to survive a zombie infested island. Through the middle of the chapters it tells of a zombie himself who was a medical student and he's retained his consciousness, which is abnormal for zombies to do. The whole pacing is confusing at first and it doesn't help that the first novel starts in the middle and the second is more of a prequel.

The positive thing about weird is that is can also fascinate people. While some feel comfortable with their normal lives, others like in the movie "Brazil" wish to escape to find something different. Whether it is abnormal or just wacky, the boredom of regular life can weigh people down.

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