I've only had time to read the first book of the Harry Potter series after seeing the movies recently. I wasn't and still am not all that into the fantasy world of Harry Potter but the lore is interesting to get into for first time readers of a novel series. Besides length, the reveal of Voldemort was more tension worthy in the book than just viewing it in the film, or maybe it's just me since I created a similar scenario with Psycho. The pacing was boring for me with Harry living with his step-family being much longer than it was shown in the book. Quiditch matches were more common than just one scene like in the movie and the locations of where events happened like Harry spying on Snape in the forbidden forest instead of the hallway. There might have been other changes that I didn't mention but I'll admit I asked friends since it was also a while since I've seen the movie as well.

Back on the case about me not having a huge interest in fantasy. I love the imagination it came from thinking of a whole universe in the series but I feel this whole finding your place in the world can be used by many other type themes. The magical one just feels overused now and I would like to see more done like have some of the spells be very dangerous to use that it could kill or have them summon creatures as guardians. Just a little more variety on the spells and not just the world around them. But that's just what I'm into
All in all, fantasy is such an open topic for things I feel it should go beyond the fairs and trolls and go all the way to the extreme of the effects it can bring to a different group of people.
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