Witches have been known through literature to be either mischievous, manipulative, or powerful women that use their skills to either bind people to their will or pull cruel tricks to their expense. They are usually seen as old and wicked, which is similar to how they are depicted in the book "Aunt Maria" (Black Mariah). In the story, Aunt Maria came off as manipulative by forcing her family to take care of her and do situations that they didn't like doing by acting weak and helpless. They said she talked in a tone that made them feel guilty and that they owed her since her son (I think) died. Maria pertains an old, weak exterior but uses it to control people to do her biding.

Going a little off subject to the book, witches have many portrays other than old, manipulative women. One example is from a movie called "Kiki's delivery service". This showed witches in a different lights as something positive that people were excited to see instead of something to fear. Kiki's tale was a coming of age story for her to travel to a town and settle down and find her place in the world. Her abilities were limited to flying in her broom and having a black cat, a more simplistic way of showing a witch without casting spells and hexes. This type of directions to how witches were treated in the middle ages is different for how they are interpreted do the stores around them. Even Hermione Granger is seen as a positive witch in stories instead of being something to be feared because of her power.
Females having power was something that men feared since their egos like for them to feel dominant and in control. But with the new development with Kiki and many more, witches just seem to be a mythical part of the fantasy world and have even lowered to things like Sabrina the teenage witch. All and all, there are now a different type of ways to show women with power whether it's with manipulation or flight or even a laugh track and a talking cat.